The Sidebar Tabs and Free Stuff on

Hi All:

I just want to point out a little change we had made on Chowtimes. Some of you would have used what we call the Sidebar Tabs. I want to call out the new “Free” option on it. But first a little about each of the Sidebar Tabs options.


Twitter: Frankly, I am still trying to get a grip on how best to make use of Twitter. I had that on because it is supposed to be the next best thing since Facebook.

Subscribe: This is where you can sign up to get Chowtimes postings delivered to you by email. Your email address that you provide to us is safe with us. We will NEVER provide your email address to anyone nor will we use it for any other purpose than to deliver Chowtimes postings.

Friends: This is new and is based on Google’s Friends Connect. I am not sure how this will work. I might decide to remove it later.

Popular: This is a neat little look at our most popular postings over the past two weeks. We can change the period but for now it is set to two weeks.

Free: This is what I wanted to let you know. If we have free stuff, we will post it here. Suanne and I will try to get freebies for Chowtimes readers. These are not high value freebies but they are fun!

We hope you enjoy these little changes.


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