Want Want Hot & Spicy House and Fresh Elements in Yaohan, Richmond

It’s lunch time on a Sunday. The boys wanted some comfort food and suggested to go to Yaohan Center food court.


It’s been quite a while since we last visited the Yaohan Center food court. The boys went straight to the Curry House stall for their comfort food. Arkensen ordered the Hainanese Chicken Rice while Nanzaro had the Char Koay Teow.

I walked around to look for something for myself. The Want Want Hot & Spicy House caught my attention. The name sounded familiar. Apparently, there is a similar name stall in Crystal Mall.

Upon checking with the server, I was told that this stall had opened for business in Yaohan Center for a year.


My attention was caught by the photos of noodles in hotpot on the wall, especially the red hot on the right.


But, I did not order that. I ordered the Lamb Noodle instead. I love lamb. The server asked me if I want it spicy and if I want cilantro with it. Of course, my answer is yes for both. The lamb noodle is $7.75.


When the server collected payment from me, she asked for $10.75. I looked puzzled … Continue reading