Fennel Seeds Pesto

This is the last workshop to be conducted by Ian Lai for the Food Preservation workshops organised by the Richmond Food Security Society. Ian, thank you for your time and sharing your expertise with us.


For this workshop, Ian decided to make a Fennel Seeds Pesto from the abundance of harvest from the Richmond Sharing Farm. The Fennel Seeds Pesto is very strong in flavour. It is good for marinate with fish. It is too strong to be eaten as a dip.


Fennel is a perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. It is very aromatic and strong in flavour especially the seeds. Fennel seeds has a anise flavour to it and often confused with anise. The leaves has a more delicate flavour and feathery like dill. The bulb is a crisp, root vegetable and often used like onion.


  • Fennel Seeds
  • Tahini
  • Lime or lemon juice
  • Olive oil or water


Source: Ian Lai


Fennel-Seeds-Pesto-4The most tedious part of this recipe is to painstakingly and patiently removed the seeds from the stems.
Fennel-Seeds-Pesto-3It seemed to be a never ending job picking the seeds.
Fennel-Seeds-Pesto-7Wash the seeds and place them in a food processor.

Add tahini.

Process the pesto and scrap down the sides with a spatula once in a while.

Fennel-Seeds-Pesto-9Season with lime or lemon juice depending on your preference or sourness.
Fennel-Seeds-Pesto-10Add some olive oil or water and continue to process until a smooth paste.
Fennel-Seeds-Pesto-12You may store the fennel seeds pesto in small jar or freezer bags and freeze them for future use.

Ian, thank you for sharing.

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