BBQ Vegetables

The BBQ will not be complete without some kind of vegetables. Jorge prepared a Spinach and Strawberry Salad and grilled some vegetables to go along with the BBQ fish and chicken.


The complete meal includes BBQ chicken thigh, fish, corn, sweet peppers and portobello mushrooms.


  • 1 package of fresh portobello mushroom
  • 2 green bell peppers
  • 4 ears of corns
  • butter
  • salt and pepper


Source: Jorge Viduenez

Prep time: 10 minutes; Cook time: 10 minutes; Serve 6


BBQ-Vegetables-3-300x200Jorge rubbed the corn with some butter and season it with some salt before grilling.
BBQ-Vegetables-8-300x200Jorge also demonstrated how to remove the seeds and membrane from the bell peppers. First, slice off the top and bottom of the peppers.

With the pepper standing on the flat bottom, cut a slit on the side from top to bottom.

BBQ-Vegetables-9-300x200Placing the bell pepper on the side, run the knife along the inner wall to remove the seeds and membrane. Then, you can slice the pepper into wedges.
BBQ-Vegetables-4-300x200Season the bell pepper with some olive oil, salt and pepper.
BBQ-Vegetables-10-300x200Remove the stem from the portobello mushroom. Season with some salt and pepper and drizzle with some olive oil. Grill the vegetables on medium heat until they are charred and tender, turning often and brush with a marinate of olive oil and lemon juice when needed.
BBQ-Vegetables-11-200x300Scrape the corn from the cob for easy consumption.

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