POM Wonderful — 100% Pomegranate Juice

ChowtimesNoWord32x32This post is written upon free coupons from POM Wonderful. We are not paid for this post.

We do get samples every now and then.  Molly sent us an email asking if she could send us some coupons to sample.  We said yes and true enough the package came in the mail just a couple of days later.  That was fast.


Chowtimes had often been contacted asking if we would like samples from food manufacturers.  We replied to Molly saying that we’re in Canada because we thought that she may have mistaken us for a US blog site.  Very often, the samples comes from the US and the products are not available outside of the US.

POM Wonderful, as it turns out, is available widely in Canada.  It is just that we had never paid much attention to it.


We went to the Real Canadian Superstore to get some.  Never knowing where to look for it, we spent quite a bit of time looking — thinking that it is somewhere in the beverage section.  We actually had thought it was some form of a concentrate because of the word “concentrate” on the bottle.

As it turns out, it was in the section where food like salads are … i.e. at the produce section.  POM Wonderful came in a nice and unique bottle and is supposed to be drank cold.  They have a few flavours all identified by the colors on the cap.  The bottle is so nice, I know it will end up in the drawer where Suanne keeps these kind of cure bottles — she can’t bring herself to throw cute things away.

The above is Mango.  To me it tastes like Ribena which I used to drink a lot when I was young.  POM Wonderful claims that they are the only brand that contains 100% authentic pomegranate juice and is all-natural … no added sugars, preservatives, colors or cheap filler juices.


POM Juice is the only juice guaranteed to be made exclusively from “Wonderful” variety pomegranates.  The “Wonderful” variety is known for it’s unique combination of superior antioxidants, delicious taste and deep crimson color.

POM Wonderful is said to have provided $25 million to fund world-class scientific research on pomegranates.  The studies examines the effects of POM products on heart, prostate, diabetes and even erectile dysfunction.  😉  Check out their website on POM Wonderful’s Health Benefits.


We have a few coupons left which allows you to redeem this $5 bottles from almost all major stores in Vancouver.  If you would like to sample this, just send your address to suanne@chowtimes.com and we’ll mail it to you.  No worries, we will not keep nor forward your info to anyone.

3 thoughts on “POM Wonderful — 100% Pomegranate Juice

  1. It has been very well-marketed in Canada. However, if one is looking for anti-oxidants the best is in matcha, the green Japanese tea powder.

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