California Cafe in Lansdowne Mall

This restaurant had been replaced by Rhino’s Kitchen.

You know, we realize that many of our readers like recipes. Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be blogging more on dining out and travel rather than recipes. Hey, it’s summer now … time for Suanne to stay out of the kitchen more, right? There’s gonna be another travel series starting in mid-July where we’re sharing our trip to North California and Nevada — it’s gonna cover Las Vegas, Yosemite, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and Reno. It’s gonna be a great summer.

So, here is one very old posting which we had never gotten down to blogging. And more aptly, this is about the CALIFORNIA Cafe (!) in Richmond’s Lansdowne Mall. Trust me, despite the name, this cafe had nothing to do with California whatsoever!

The California Cafe, located in the eastern side of the mall, is another HK-style cafe. We are beginning to see a trend in the names of such cafes in Richmond … they are named (quite arbitrarily) after places.

California Cafe in Lansdowne Mall

Again … HK-Style cafes to us are categorized by the Milk Tea which is included in the price of entrees. In the California Cafe, the Milk Tea glasses were large — much larger than the ones we normally get elsewhere. We simply love places like this because they are so value for money.

Most dish generally costs anywhere from $6 to $8 in most places.


I ordered the Roasted Lamb Leg on Rice because it sounded so good. It came with generous (thick and large) slices of lamb with gravy covering the entire plate. This was really good and worth the $6.95 price. Nice and hearty meal.


The California Cafe surely had a more varied menu compared to other HK-Style Cafes. On top of the run of the mill dishes, they have more uncommon ingredients. Suanne ordered the Roasted Duck and Preserved Vegetable Fried Rice. This also costs $6.95.

Don’t expect chunky duck meat on this dish at this price. The Duck Meat were shredded. This fried rice is rather greasy, I must say but it does taste great. Oh, the serving here is huge … actually more than enough for two of us.


Nanzaro ordered the Malaysian Fried Rice Noodle. We thought this is the Penang Fried Kuay Teow but it was not. It is just rice noodles fried with curry powder. Like the other two dishes, the serving is huge. $6.95 too.


Arkensen did not order any as he already had a burger at the Hyack Parade. He taxed on everyone instead. Overall, this place is great value for money. Definitely a place we want to come again, especially when we’re hungry.

Oh, BTW … Happy Canada Day!!

California Hong Kong Cafe on Urbanspoon

4 thoughts on “California Cafe in Lansdowne Mall

  1. Pingback: Chow Times » Breakfast at California Cafe, Lansdowne Mall in Richmond
  2. This is the best food-related blog on the net! I stumble across it by accident after I googled “dragon eye fruit” image. 🙂

    I’ve tried so many bubble iced tea and none better than those in Taiwan. I think it’s the dairy(milk) variety that’s making their versions creamy and rich.(or that they used stronger black/red tea).

  3. Hi!

    Last time I’ve been to California was quite a while ago. Did they still have that Grand Piano? If so, I was thinking of asking the manager if there would be a job available to play that. Thanks for reading!

    • This reply is late haha but hey don’t have thegrand piano there unfortunately. There are also more Asian meals now. Before they tended to have more Western dishes. The portions are still very large and at dinner time, drink refills, at least he ones that come with the meals are free. One can never get enough of iced lemon tea and milk teas!

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