Notte’s Bon Ton Pastry & Confectionery

It’s cake meet Tuesday again. This time, Christine joined Polly and I to Notte’s Bon Ton Pastry & Confectionery for a sweet tooth fix. This is the first time we come to this place and we did not have a pleasant experience. I’ll tell you why later.


Notte’s Bon Ton Pastry & Confectionery is located at 3150 West Broadway between Trutch St and Balaclava St. The business is geared more on the take out than eat in although they have a tea room for sit in customer.

Our bad experience came to the fact that we are only allowed to eat the cake we purchased at the tea room with extra service charge provided that we get a drink too. A sign posted in the tea room indicated that there in a minimum charge of $3 or $4 with reading.

Anyway. since we were there already, we just agreed on the extra service charge. Moreover, they do not allow photography of their counter displays as they told me that they do not want other people to copy their products. Hmm, what do you think about that comment?

Here is what we ordered. Christine and I ordered coffee which came in a small metal jug. It is somewhat unique. The coffee costs $1.70.


Polly ordered a Hot Chocolate for $2.50.


We got ourselves a small Blueberry Cheesecake to share. It costs $8.95 but with the service charge, it comes to $10.50.


The Blueberry Cheesecake is very sweet. We had to scrape off the thick layer of confectionery sugar on the top as it’s way too sweet. This cheesecake is also not a full cheesecake as it is a cake with blueberry cheese filing. Polly and I would prefer a full cheesecake.


Well, if you ask me if I would come back again or not, my answer is probably not.

Notte's Bon Ton Pastry & Confectionary on Urbanspoon

19 thoughts on “Notte’s Bon Ton Pastry & Confectionery

  1. I have been eating in at Notte’s since it was on Granville, for almost 30 years, and I am in my mid-thirties. There’s no requirement to have a reading, and yes, you must spend about $4/person to sit in. Like Robyn says, go for the pastries or a slice of cake. It makes sense that they would charge a small fee to cut a whole cake, because the dine-in menu has cakes by-the-slice.

    The service gets better if you go frequently — once they recognise you they are very kind. The value for money here is huge. You will get pastries comparable or better than Thomas Haas for much less money. I recommend the Deerhorn. If you are in Victoria, try the Dollar Roll at the Dutch Bakery, another excellent bakery/dine in restaurant.

  2. It’s too bad you had a bad experience. I just came across this as I was looking for a website cause I want to order a cake from them for my daughter’s birthday. Notte’s bon ton bakery is absolutely one of the best bakeries around – i’ve tried many and I don’t eat tons & tons of pastries as it can lead to an expanding waistline but when I want a real treat after having a good hard workout or if it’s a nice treat to enjoy with friends/family I *always* go to notte’s. I wouldn’t disagree the service can sometimes be less than admirable – but you’re getting the best of the best, and the prices are very reasonable for the quality!

  3. Notte’s is old fashioned… little has changed there. But going to Notte’s to order a cheesecake to eat in house is missing the point. Go for what they’re known for – the little bon ton pastries or the St-Honoré cake. Give it a second chance, and just take the cakes home and eat them in the comfort of your own home. That’s what Notte’s is all about.

  4. Pity you had a bad experience here. Their pastries are rich and sweet. The minimum order per person is a reasonable request if eating in, perhaps they didn’t communicate that clearly as it wasn’t a service charge per se unless you didn’t order the minimum charge. This is one of the top bakeries in Vancouver, try the diplomat it’s their most famous cake.

  5. Bon Ton cakes and pastries have been a special pleasure for me and my family for many years. I left Vancouver in 1977 for the midwest (US)and knew I would miss their Diplomat birthday cake and many pastries– we have our favourites and know them by name. Over the years my mother would come to visit, always bringing a box of our favourite pastries. Despite never having been to Vancouver, my children could rattle off the names of their favourites in minutes… Fast forward to Christmas 2009. We will all be together in Seattle and of course my mother will come from Vancouver with Bon Ton goodies. I placed a large order–2 cakes and 5 dozen pastries. There were logistics requiring several calls to the shop and my family. The lady who took my call was most gracious and although we went back and forth over several hours (numerous calls), she was patient and all was settled. I can only recommend that you try the store one more time. If you are planning to sit and have tea, realize this is not their primary business and take it as a positive that they do provide a place. Personally, I would make a selection and relax at home. Favourite pastries include: Florentine, Canadian Cheese, Japanese, Phillipine, and Chocolate Progression. For cakes try the Chocolate Vienna or the Diplomat (birthday). I think my husband holds the record for most pastries consumed in one sitting (1 1/2 dozen)– this on a trip home to Vancouver in the 1980’s. The store was still on Granville then and the tea room was a “must do” on places to revisit.

  6. my family and i have shopped at the bon ton since 1960 its simply the most pleasureable experience every christmas and birthdays their cakes butter sponge is to die for christmas cake is awesome the cookies ooh my goodness orgasmic – pastries are delightful to the taste buds – christmas would be incomplete without this bakery one or 2 ladies over the years were rude but there very rushed busy -most of the staff is very polite any ways who cares i dont want to miss out on these delicious treats nobody can outdo this bakery they use butter and store is spotless

  7. hi I would like to say I had the pleasure of working for the nottes back in the 80s,when they were on grandville st. They have always used the purist ingredients and made the most amazing desserts. I have recently come back from Southern Italy and the nottes wares are just as good if not better. So I say just enjoy !!!!!!!!! ciao valerie collins

  8. Hi I just found their site after having a dream this morning about the family. I had the pleasure of working for them in the 80s when they were on grandville st. I finnished simple pastries.I recently came back from Italy and still feel nottes bon ton IS THE BEST. They have always used pure ingredients and made beautiful desserts.They all have always worked very hard to keep up their excellent standards. So if you want a real treat go and enjoy! ! !!! Sincerely valerie collins(the girl that went to toronto to go to baking school) ciao

  9. Are you kidding me? Not like Notte’s Bon Ton? This bakery has been a family favorite of ours for years. We are Vancouverites … a rare breed, I know … and we love Notte’s!!! Furthermore, there is no service charge in the tea room … they ask that your order is a minimum of $5.00 … not an unreasonable request as the space is very small. They choose not to accomodate those people that want to take a seat to sip their tea or coffee for hours on end. They want all customers to enjoy their space!!!

  10. The nottes bon ton is a very good place I’m not saying this cause its my familys but because many people love the place. I love when my dad brings cakes home from me yes than are rich but that’s what makes it. Its different from any bakery. Ask people that have shoped there for many year and they would as if wurth every penny

  11. We have been shopping at the Bon Ton since 1956 and have NEVER had a bad experience. Yes, their cakes are pastries are rich, that is part of their reputation, but how many bakerys or patisserieiess have been around since 1926 without a very good reason?

  12. I have tried cakes from here and I agree with you and the other posters…the cakes are much too sweet and sugary for my taste. They do seem to be popular though so I guess their cakes must be appealing to someone…just not to us. 🙂

  13. i’ve been reading your blogs regularly and wanted to share this very simple cheesecake recipe that would pale in comparison all those cheesecakes that you had (pardon me, im bragging here!). Please try baking this and tell me what you think. Mix 2 bars of creamcheese (i use philly), 3 eggs, 1 can of condense milk, a teaspoon squeeze of lemon juice. pour them on a store-bought pie-crust (you can also do this), then bake for 50 to 55 minutes at 300 degrees. the center should be jiggly when done. cool for a few minutes, then dig in! you can put any toppings you want but my daughter loves it plain!

  14. I really think this is bad – $2.5 for that small cup of hot chocolate??? That cake doesn’t look like a cheesecake, and with this kind of service… tsk tsk tsk

  15. Hello there! I only stumbled upon this as I was searching for all-you-can-eat sushi restaurants in Vancouver! What a gem your blog is! I do have to agree with everyone else about Notte’s Bon Ton. They are a very snobby and uptight bunch. Last year I went in to make a small purchase and they totally snubbed me since I wasn’t a “big spender”. I’m sorry if your store is close to UBC and I’m a poor student who wanted a couple tasty cookies. But for a place that is so well-known for their pastries, they should get a kick in the butt for such terrible customer service.

  16. I agree with all the above. At the end of the day, even if their pastries are to die for, it’s the people and their attitudes behind the counter that matters.

    Glad I’ve never been in, cuz now I won’t plan to 🙂

    BTW Ben, I see you caught a bit of Cafe D’Lite in the picture next to Notte. They have some of the best laksa in town. Gotta try them if you haven’t already !

  17. That’s horrible! I too would have walked out seeing a “service charge”. The $1 extra for reading is especially insulting! Obviously this place doesn’t care about customer service!

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