Heong Peah

In my last trip to Malaysia and Singapore, I brought back some Heong Peah. It has been a long, long time since I had this and frankly, I have even forgotten all about this snack until I came across it again in that trip.

Heong Peah is a snack originated from the small town of Teluk Intan (used to be called Teluk Anson). It is a chinese community delicacy. There are others who insisted that Ipoh is where Heong Peah originated.

I brought home the SGT brand simply from the nicer looking packaging. I recall that these things came in very rudimentary wrappings.


The Heong Peah is basically a biscuit with lightly sweet fillings. It has a very crispy and flaky layer outside. One bite into it and you will have pieces of the flaky dough falling off. So, you are better off eating this over a plate or something to catch the layers.

The fillings is made primarily of flour, oil, maltose, sugar, sesame, and shallots. It is not too sweet which particularly goes very well with a cup of hot beverage, especially hot English tea.


I was not sure if anyone at home would like it and so just bought one packet home. It turns out that Arkensen loves this a lot and had been snacking through the entire packet.

I felt that this biscuit, marketed correctly, would actually have a good demand in a city like Vancouver. The flakiness of the biscuit is perhaps something that many do not understand. For me, the best part of eating this is picking up the outer flaky layer afterwards. Yummy … got to get more for the home. Anyone know if you could buy these in Vancouver?


13 thoughts on “Heong Peah

  1. I am with you Ben. Heong Piah is a Telok Anson original. I lived just four doors away from the shop that used to make them. It was situated either along Ah Cheong Street or Market Street. I left that town in 1961 and hasn’t been back there since. For those interested, you may be able to buy them from AsianSupermarket365.com in US.

  2. Ok I finally found these 2 recipes:

    Heong Peah: http://auntyyochana.blogspot.com/2006/11/ipoh-fragrant-pastry.html

    Phong Pneah or Pong Piah: http://cornercafe.wordpress.com/2009/02/09/phong-piah/
    I think Pong Piah from Penang or Sarawak do not have shallot oil or flakes. I would just substitute the shallot oil with butter or cooking oil.

    Some useful links to making flaky Chinese pastries:


  3. OK folks, it’s 2013, does anyone have the recipes for Heong Peng/Peah like the one from Perak and Pong Pheah from Penang? These 2 are my favorite snacks. I have search everywhere online but no luck so far. These must be the best kept recipes in Malaysia. I like to try bake them at home in USA. Thank you.

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    • Hi Jean: If you could find the recipe for Heong Peah, I would be very surprised. I had never heard of any one ever attempted to make it at home. Let us know if you find a recipe for Heong Peah. It would be interesting how a home made one will turn out. Ben

  5. I love these, they are the best and yes, flaky. I would always bring them back from Penang whenever I go home.

    The problem with transporting them back is that they are so fragile and by the time they get there, they are all broken. 😦

  6. Our family loves that too especially my youngest daughter and me. I would also like to know where I can get them in Vancouver.

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